Local Moran Index: an application in epidemiological coefficients of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil


The COVID-19 pandemic spread quickly around the world in a frightening way. In Brazil, the third country in the world with the highest number of people infected and killed by the disease, it is important that the government health authorities identify the federation units that stand out in cases and deaths due to this disease for targeting resources. The Local Moran Index is a statistical tool that estimates those units of the federation that stands out the most with some statistical significance. We used the epidemiological coefficients of incidence, prevalence, and lethality to describe Brazil’s pandemic better today. We use R software to obtain maps and results.

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Ben Dêivide
Ben Dêivide
Professor de Estatística

Minhas principais linhas de pesquisa são na área de Estatística Experimental, Estatística e Probabilidade, Estatística computacional, Desenvolvimento de pacotes R
