
icon_CreatingApplication How to load the GUI?

Note: First select in Packages the “midrangeMCP” option.

# Load midrangeMCP package
# Load GUI
guimidrangeMCP(gui = TRUE)

icon_CreatingApplication Interface

Pacote midrangeMCP ; Versão 3.1.1

icon_CreatingApplication Input data set and other functions:

The data entry session is at the top left of the Interface. Here you have the options to “select a file”, “variable separator”, “Edit / View” and “Choose Directory”.


1st Choose directory:

The first step is to choose the directory for the data set analysis to be exported. And this is done as follows:

2nd Variables Separate:

The next important step is to identify by which symbol the variables in your data set are separated. The international standard considers the period, but if it is a comma, space or semicolon, it must be specified so that the file can be read.

3rd Search → Open file (.txt or .csv) :

Third step is the import of the data set can be of the type .txt or .csv. Once imported, so that your data set is correct, the names of the variables that have been assigned to each column must appear in the first line. As an example, we used a specific data set and proceeded:

(Link conjunto de dados como exemplo )

4th Edit/View Data:

This option not only makes it possible to edit the data if you want to change it at the moment and obtain other analyzes, but it also gives you the option of checking the data correctly after importing. But remember! Data editing is done only within the program, the root file is not changed.

icon_CreatingApplication Data output

5th Output:

Here is shown the path of the source folder from which the data set was imported, and the description of the set’s columns contained in the file. Note: the name of the columns in the data set must be correctly described.

icon_CreatingApplication Tests, Extension and level of insignificance.

6th Tests

Here, the types of tests for data analysis are chosen, for the moment: MGM, MGR, SNKM and TM. Note: A detailed explanation of the tests is present on the other page of this website!

7th Extension

The extension is the type of file in which the result will be exported and will follow the path of the 1st step. The file types are: .txt; .tex; .xlsx. Choose the extension according to your need for the analysis. Note: the type of extension .tex will be shown in the Console so that its use can be copied and pasted into the document.

8th Significance Level

The level of significance for analysis is placed here, being in an interval between 0 and 1. As a default, the value 0.05 is already inserted.

icon_CreatingApplication Data entry options

9th Choose the Data entry options

The data entry options are the ones that determine how the chosen test will be calculated and, because it has more input choices, the great advantage of this program for others that already exist is analysis through the protection of the data set. The Variable Response and Average options provide this possibility.


The first option called ‘Model’ is the most common, as all data for analysis must be provided, and they are contained in the file.

Variable Response

The Response Variable is for the case where the researcher does not want to provide the data set in its entirety, but rather some specific data for the analysis. In this case, only the data set is passed on, according to what we are working on here as an example, in which the object is TRAT (treatment) and PROD (response variable). Therefore, only the value of degree of freedom and average square will have to be entered.


The case of the input option ‘Means’ is used when PROD and TRAT are not informed, giving the possibility of inserting other data for analysis such as means, treatment, degree of freedom, mean square and number repetition of the set.

icon_CreatingApplication Console

10th Press Button Calculate

After clicking the Calculate button, the analysis data for the set will be shown in the Console. The summary, the test result, the average of the experiment, the coefficient of variation, the average square of the residue, the degrees of freedom will be displayed and, if the Output Extension is latex, the code of the same will be displayed here.

icon_CreatingApplication Graphics

11th Graphics Parameters

This function provides the possibility to update three components related to the graph.


The first component is the color change that can be changed to gray with the following command ’gray.color (4)’, for example.


The second component is the change of direction of the graph’s axes, being it Vertical (default) or Horizontal, defining this with the command ‘FALSE’ or ‘TRUE’.


The third component is the option to name the axes of the graph and this is done with the following command ’xlab =“ VR ”; ylab = “Treatment” ’, the xlab being responsible for naming the X axis and the ylab for the Y axis.
